Support Fund

LePa Support Fund's mission is to provide support for players in need of financial assistance. LePa has three types of support:

  • Stipend for gifted and motivated players
  • General support
  • Equipment assistance

There are also many other sources for financial assistance. You can find information about them here (in Finnish).

Application instructions

Application can be made by the family or the team leader. When making the decision, the commitee can discuss the matter with team leader and head coach as well as relevant authorities. The commitee consists of club president, treasurer and executive officer.


Stipend is aimed for gifted and motivated players. The stipend is worth 500 euros.

Applications for 2025 are open. Deadline is January 24: APPLY HERE


  • First time applicants have priority
  • Support can be given to U9-U17 players 
  • Player is required to commit to the team. Support can be collected back if you've given false information in the application or the player moves to another club before the end of the season
  • Support is not paid to the applicants account. Support Fund pays the agreed invoices instead.
  • Stipend recipient can't also get general support. If you've already received general support, you can apply but the amount is deducted from the stipend. 

General support

Aim of the general support is help players to start and continue football in families that have trouble to cope with the costs of playing.

The granted amount of support is decided on case by case basis.

Applications can be made at any time: APPLY HERE


  • First time applicants have priority
  • Support is only given to players under 18 years
  • Player is required to commit to the team. Support can be collected back if you've given false information in the application or the player moves to another club before the end of the season
  • Support is not paid to the applicants account. Support Fund pays the agreed invoices instead.
  • Stipend recipient can't apply for general support.

Equipment assistance

Aim of the equipment assistance is help players to start and continue football in families that have trouble to cope with the costs of playing.

Usually equipment assistance means getting the mandatory team clothing (home and away shirt, shorts & socks) free of charge.

Applications can be made at any time: APPLY HERE

In practice, LePa orders the equipment. Equipment assistance cannot be granted to equipment you have ordered by yourself!